Why Run?

Matthew is running for prosecutor to change the way that justice works in our community, because our current prosecutor is not providing Justice, For All. 

Creating just and safe communities isn't a mystery. We know what works—and what doesn't. Matthew understands that it's past time to get serious about good policy in Cuyahoga County.

Our current prosecutor's office is using outdated ideas that make our communities less safe. These are just a few examples, but there are more:

  • Abuse of Death Sentences: Cuyahoga County leads the entire nation in death sentences over the last 5 years, despite the nationwide use of the death penalty being at a 50-year low amid concerns about ineffectiveness, bias, and cruelty.

  • Targeting of the poor: The prosecutor’s office charges primarily poor people and people of color from marginalized communities, while overlooking crimes such as wage theft charges and environmental dumping—despite the fact that wage theft is the largest single type of theft in the United States.

Cuyahoga County is nationally known for trying our children in adult court, overcrowding our jail to the detriment of health and safety, abusing the death penalty, ignoring wrongful convictions, and targeting the poorest among us. Is this justice?

We can do better. We can target crimes that harm our community while understanding that many people need a chance and a series of supports, not a prison cell. As a former public defender and a law professor, Matthew has the expertise and the practical knowledge to strike a better balance.

Please stay up to date as Matthew builds a movement to promote Justice, For All.